Rules of successful people. Follow them and most likely you will be reached:
- When you learn something try to implement it immediately.
- Try to deal with uncertainty by making very quick decisions and not being overwhelmed by it.
- Do not waste time, make it precious, cut waste and do only things which bring you closer to your goal.
My personal conclusion about these rules:
I see the value of these pieces of advice. As with most good advice, it seems obvious at first and makes sense but it’s very difficult to implement. All 3 of them are related to time, so something very precious. If you are not successful a lot of you can sacrifice valuable family time for work. For future good. But to make an extra million if you already have one? It’s more difficult and it probably depends on the personal circumstances. It’s easier to justify if your work is kind of your hobby and you just can’t get it enough.
For me, quality, family time, and family holidays are the most precious moments in my life. I work long hours but the main reason is to make money is to buy quality family time and some time for my time-consuming hobby.
These 3 rules are difficult to implement. They only sound easy. It makes a huge difference and I can see it may determine if somebody is successful or not.